Wednesday, April 2, 2008

AIS Mytery (Science Fiction)

In AIS (American International School), there was an extraordinary mystery that no one knew the answer. It was about a strange creature. It had damaged the school severely.
One day, Mr. Sharp allowed his students to enter the lab for the investigation based on the book’s instruction. It was about “How chemicals affect life-forms”. So, they gathered together and went to the laboratory. They put chemicals into a crowd of microorganisms. They observed those life-forms carefully under a microscope. All they could see that these organisms were deactivated and some were dead. Later, dead organisms were broken down into simple substances like pieces of DNA, proteins, fats and other essential chemicals. These molecules were too small to be seen with the school’s microscopes. They did not notice that this chemical was used so they put it into another experiment. This time, they used a plant for the investigation. A seed was put into the used chemical. First, nothing changed. But later, when they were away from the laboratory, it geminated, using other substances that were mixed with the experimental chemical. It grew so fast that when they returned to the lab, they found it as a small plant. Eventually, they came to a conclusion: this species can grow in that chemical. At the end of the investigation, Mr. Sharp decided to throw it away but a student asked to keep it because he thought it was an interesting plant. Mr. Sharp gave his approval.
The student then decided to put the plant in the parking place because he thought it was polluted with carbon dioxide. He took good care of the plant. He gave it enough fertilizer and water so it grew rapidly. In imagination, the plant was in puberty. Soon, the plant appeared to be ivy. It looked so lovely and vivacious. A short time later, it grew outside of the school. Eventually, it grew livelier and livelier under sunlight. In the parking place, the air was frequently fresh even when there were a lot of transportations there. Also, it was a good source for oxygen of the whole school. Therefore, everybody was happy and thought it was an intelligent idea to keep the plant. They were all satisfied.
A few months later, the plant started to surround the school. It was so green and vivacious that the school looked like it was built in medieval times. Now, troubles began. One morning, an official of the school arrived but he could not get inside because the corridor was locked by the ivy. Meanwhile, a night guard security inside the school had no way to get out. The principle decided that he should cut off some part of the strange ivy. However, he thought it was not urgent because the plant would take time to grow again. Unfortunately, he underestimated the ivy.
Although, most of it was cut, its roots were enormous underground and no one could see them. It took just a few days for a rapid repair and growth. This time, they did not notice it much because they always saw it. The next day, they did not notice the ivy either. One the third day, during class time, the ivy made it attack. As usual, no one noticed the plant’s growth. At 9:00, the invasion began. Students were listening to their teachers. The school was quiet. Official work happened normally. Suddenly, a terrible sound of something breaking broke the silence of the school. Some timid students shouted with horror. Electricity was gone. The whole school was filled with darkness. What on the world is happening?
In the classroom, they saw the walls were damaged. Pieces of cement fell on their head. The principle ordered the whole school to evacuate immediately. They escaped in order with help of the security guards. There as no time to loose so everybody ran as fast as they could. Then, fire appeared, obviously from the canteen, where they use gasoline. Some timid people began to shout and scream with panic. Security guards had to keep them from acting madly. Suddenly, another terrible sound came. It was the sound of an explosion, creating a small nova on the sixth floor. Unsurprisingly, some people who were out of control. They tried every way they could to escape from the building. Some jumped out through the windows. Some pushed on others. Some just shouted and screamed hopelessly like they were suffering mental problems. The school looked like a mess.
The destructive ivy was stronger and more powerful than ever now. It started to squeeze the school building, creating sounds of breaking things. The loudest sound was of the breaking glasses and windows. It was so sharp and unbearable that barely a person could stand it.
Firefighters and police officers arrived. They helped people with evacuation in order. Ambulances appeared. Doctors and nurses ran out to help injured ones. Fortunately, no one was seriously wounded. There were only some scratches on their epidermis.
Some firefighters took out axes and started to cut the ivy down with them. It was not easy. The ivy was sturdy and tough. It took them minutes to do it. Then, the principle told them that they should destroy the whole plant because it would re-grow fairly quickly and make another attack. Firefighters and other officials dig the roots up. They found that the roots were also enormous as the plant. That explains why the ivy grew so fast. They decided to burn the roots. At this point, the destructive ivy was dead forever.
Fortunately, it was near the summer break so the process of repair the school would have no obstacles. But they had to do it quickly before the students come back. Incredibly, after the repair, when students come back, the school campus was elegant, even more stylish than before the mystery.
Mr. Sharp and his students have figured out that chemicals can affect life-forms in different ways: deactivate, kill and sometimes mutate them.


Khanh Van said...

So good, Well Done!

bookgirl said...

I should have known! IT's always science =) BUt your story was suprieor